Leadership. Safe & secure.
The new book by Anton Doerig

My statement at this time to all people around the globe:
💥 I never thought that my latest book would fit this time so well. The many stories, hints and tips allow the necessary change of perspective especially today. - We are all facing great challenges, now more than ever!
💎 Therefore, I am very grateful to be able to make a global contribution with this book for all entrepreneurs, executives, managers and private individuals during these difficult times.
🛡 I wish you all success, stay healthy and safe!
“Anton Doerig’s book on 'Leadership' is a great guide on how to move from academic leadership theories to a successful and practical implementation process. His approach away from theoretical
towards exemplary and visionary leadership is worth reading.”
Dr. Richard WERNER EMBA; General Manager Risk Control RCC Ltd., Europe and President of the Non-Profit-Organisation Private Group PnCG, Switzerland